Clowns Mori animation is bugged again
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When the clown uses his mori his arms and legs stretch out. It seems to be a bone displacement issue PLATFORM: Xbox
Bug on The Executioner’s Mori - Xbox.
Pyramid Head’s Mori has a massive Visual bug that makes the Pyramid Model completely disappear during the whole animation for some unknown reason. I encountered this bug on Xbox but it’s possible that it has affected other platforms as well. It’s not game breaking but it’s extremely unpleasant to look at.
The Clown Mori Animation Bug
Platform: Xbox Description: The Mori animation for the clown where he picks the finger up off of the ground is bugged, the finger gib model floats in the air next to his hand rather than being in his hand when he picks it up and puts it in his pouch.