Urgent: Doctor animation issues
While the recent changes to doctor were very welcomed by the community, and many players have said they enjoy the change, one oversight is the animations that he uses. I have light sensitivity issues, the sparking/sparkling effect from his skills, and from the madness effect give me terrible migraines. And due to the fact…
New Killer Idea: Blacklung, the Miner
I was talking about this awhile back in DeadlyKitten160's stream and people seem to be into the idea so I thought i'd pitch it here. A new killer, who is a miner, his special attack could be to blow/cough coal dust into the face of survivors. Survivors need to do something to cleanse themselves of this, drinking, or…
Zero point in playing Survivor
5 matches in a row we've not been able to make any real progress because every killer has face camped, tunneled, and took the game hostage. Why even log in to play at all when there is 0 punishment for players who camp and tunnel? There needs to be a point penalty for hooking someone within 30 seconds of being hooked, and…