How can so many not understand what free to play means???
I dont know if its because im ancient and I know where the term free to play comes from , or its just people cant seem to understand the actual words they are speaking ... There are two types of online games , subscription based , and free to play . These are not terms referring to the cost of the program . You dont go buy…
With the holiday slowly approaching , let take a min ...
Time is getting near , the month slowly draws to a close . With fond memories and the glow of a campfire drawing ever so close , lets all just take a moment to remember all the good times we have had together . So to all you young lovers out there , I say take those you love on a romantic camping trip , get lost in the…
Can we be Real for a moment?
Ive been reading post after post about "cashgrab" and "moneysink" and "ptw" , Let be real for just a moment and get our heads out of our collective tails . If you think for one sec that BVHR isnt about making money , then you seriously need a reality check . Any and all game companies out there are a business , the first…
Event info , basics and misconception ...
I figured I would make a thread to give out info that most people seem to be missing or have misconceptions about . Harvesting a flower solo gets you more serum , this is incorrect you get the same amount if 2 of you are on it and thus waste less serum requiring less flower in total for all survivors to get a full vial .…
DBD isn't DBD
This may be a fairly long post . Dead By Daylight isn't what its hyped to be anymore , Its more Survivor Fest . I will explain why I feel this way and I am sure others do as well . DBD is supposed to be a horror game with ties to iconic movies . Yes the jumpscares wear off after you play for a while and that is not…