Depip bug
I was playing a survivor match on console when all of a sudden the game froze and then proceeded to the end of match screen because the killer disconnected however unlike it does normally, I de-ranked because of it. Big sad
Another glitch
So I was playing killer on autohaven and a survivor came across a glitched area which she later tried to exploit. Devs please fix https://youtu.be/0NqTxR--mHg
Please fix matchmaking
Not gonna say much except they were swf as well
So this glitch is a thing
Behavior... Can I have some compensation or something (I lost rank progress because of it) https://youtu.be/nsvigQWDd20
Is it just me that has recently been having quicker lobby times but being match made with green/purple ranks only, I'm rank 16 killer because I recently started but have noticed my lobbies are becoming higher and higher ranks no matter if I progress or not. Let me know killers/survivors