MAP - Santum of wrath, unfair RMG
Played on this map tonight and found a thin place where only suvs can run through. Recorded it, and played around it for a little so its easier to see how bad it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI_QKU5M20w&ab_channel=Aleks%5Cm%2F
unlimited spring burst
Just had a game where i used Lithe, and after activating it ingame, my spring burst never ended. I could keep that speed for the rest of the game. Anyone else had this? Is it a common bug or what? Was fun as long as it lasted. Posting here to make BHVR aware of it.
Got to see some of the Dev stream that the dev's had for some weeks ago or whenever it was. They mentioned something about an upcoming event, where you could find those crowns for the OG characters. Anyone know when this takes place?
Key rework, an idea
As a lot of people here on the forum already have pointed out and said. Keys are annoying and to a degree really unfair. I dont know if the devs have mentioned anything about a change, but i had an idea. The idea would be to change the keys to where it would only be allowed one per match, and it would only let the key…