Anyone else struggling to use the Steam store on Steam Deck?
I cannot get the steam interface to load to buy auric cells while playing on my Steam Deck. It's bugging me because I'd like to buy the pig skin while she's available. Anyone else having this issue? I've tried relogging steam and rebooting my deck to no avail.
Blight Map Would Be Awesome
I don't think I'm alone in feeling a little disappointed that Blight never got his own map. The character of a scientist or an alchemist having his own secret laboratory filled with mad scientist equipment is such an awesome horror staple and trope that it felt so weird that we never got to see the place that our iconic…
Fragment Feast - Rift End Rework
So, this is a two parter discussion. My first question is, what is the actual point of a rift fragment feast this late into the rift? Most of the active players have already completed the rift, and with the anniversary coming up, even non-active players will probably play enough to complete their rift. Which brings me to…
Small Mage Hand Buff Suggestion
I think it would be amazing if Mage hand could hold a locker closed. That's all.
Will the Gnomes Return?
Much to my chagrin, I was away from my PC and unable to play until today... 12 hours after the gnome event ended. Needless to say I am disappointed. But is there any hope of the gnomes returning?