I got banned on my account for 24 hours for "griefing: intentional gameplay abuse". I can't say I've done anything to deserve this and I am aware it can't be appealed. I would simply like to know what I did that got me banned so I can proceed to not do It in the future. I've read the bannable offenses under intentional…
Why do I keep getting, “initialization error” on Xbox one
Please fix this. I can’t play with my friends no matter what they do to try to solve it
Will I get banned for bad WiFi?
So I was playing Michael and my WiFi sucks living in a house with two Xbox’s and 6 phones not even including pc’s and I had survivors message me on Xbox saying they reported me for lag switching. Will I get banned for a lack of decent WiFi? Please help me out. I’m too addicted to this game to never play it again.