The problem isn't gen speed, or gens going too fast guys.
The problem has been, continues to be, and always will be. Map design. The power creep in this game edging more and more towards survivors is not survivors themselves or powerful perks. (This is some of it but not nearly most of it) It is BHVR and their map design. Lets look at the most recent maps. We have, the new Artist…
My thoughts on Artist as a high mmr killer main, after 100 games with her.
I'll try and keep this TL;DR Overall power level. Shes B tier. Some maps bring her to A tier, some maps bring her to B- tier. More descriptive. The overall meta of this game does not revolve around her strengths. Being an anti loop killer in a game where loops connect to the other is largely irrelevant. Combined with her…
Hot Take of the Patch.
Once overcome reaches enough players, through teachables and playtime and the weekend, etc etc. And becomes a meta perk (which it will, we all know it). Nurse will no longer be the best killer in the game. She does not possess the ability to catch up to an Overcome after hit. Blight will become the best killer in the game.
Adrenaline should not work if you are already exhausted
No discussion needed. Its unacceptable
Pretty decent patch. One pretty annoying complaint though.
On the new map (looks cool as hell, shame its so damn one sided) the ink globules that are everywhere make a near identical sound to survivors trying to heal. Massively misleading and you have to second guess your audio several times a game on that map
The scariest thing about the Scott Jund Troll video
Is that its almost universally good ideas, that will never enter into this game.
Small PSA to the general populace in regards to killer power level
Main statement. Every single killer (Yes Nurse, yes Blight, yes Spirit) needs buffs. Every. Single. One. Now, before all of you freak out at me, look first at the reasoning behind this. It's VERY common knowledge that as the MMR goes up, the game goes more and more to the survivor favored in terms of gameplay. At potato…
After a slew of games with Deathslinger after his nerf. My thoughts
In my opinion, as a former Deathslinger main with thousands of hours in the game, at least 7-800 on just slinger. I will say with some confidence that he is now bottom 3 in the game. He maintains the exact same weaknesses he had prior to his nerf, in addition (this may be placebo) but I think they may have changed the…
So did you guys break medkits too?
Yellow medkit with 8 charge addon 99s a second heal for me. Done 3 times now.
I'd just like to say. Farewell Deathslinger
32 meter terror radius on a 110 killer as tall as he is who's main strength was a 1v1 and had his 1v1 nerfed. I'll never understand BHVR nerfing mid tier killers.
FYI everyone. Pinheads Iri addon that damages you but doesnt slow you/spawn additional chains. broke
Just went against a pinhead who was using the iri addon. Everytime he would hit us with chains it would still spawn extra chains and slow in addition to the damage.
How did the devs miss being healed by SOMEONE ELSE not deactivating Decisive Strike?
I understand it's probably to prevent survivors griefing each other. But if you've been healed a full health state, you should not still have decisive rofl. I've eaten 3 DS's in the last 2 games due to moron survivors who get healed off the hook and step into a trap. Oops I tunneled?
Is anyone else getting vacuum stunned by pallets recently?
I think this happened around when they broke scratch marks, but I have recently been noticing that I get stunned by pallets in the absolute weirdest of ways. I'll be anticipating a pallet drop and starting to walk around the loop and the pallet will vacuum stun me. I'll be stunned by pallets that I'm not even in range to…
When was the change that makes it so there's an obsession in matches without obsession perks?
Title. I've now had 5 games total in the last few weeks where I've had an obsession and in post game screen seen no obsession perks/items on any of the survivors. Nor do I run obsession perks. So I'm curious when they put this in the game
Massive map rework bug. Coal Tower
Massive bug on Coal Tower rework. The doors you can kick open as the killer on the top floor. Do not recognize they are kicked open. You can SEE through it, but cannot walk through it. The survivors could not either.