Memento Moris with voicelines not working correctly
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I've noticed this since the release of Dracula, a voiceline won't always play, but I noticed after a trickster match in customs that during the first half of tricksters mori he won't play his voiceline, or his grunts when throwing his knives. PLATFORM: PC PLAYER LOGS:
THWACK!'s Description
The perk THWACK!'s effects are not properly listed in its description. While all the information currently listed on the perk's description is accurate, it fails to mention that you cannot exceed more than 3 tokens.
Singularity's Mori is Bugged for the Male Survivor model
I noticed this bug a few patches ago, but whenever you mori a survivor that uses the Male model, their face is not completely removed and replaced with the amazing melted face model. The Melted Face is still there, it's just clipping through the survivor's face. I mostly use moris in custom games, so I'm not sure if this…