Add penalties for leaving players to die
Is it too much to ask for ACTUAL balancing in the game? For years it was survivor favored and now the balance is tipped in the killers favor. You buff all the gen regression perks and what buffs do survivors get? None. You just nerf self care healing speed so it's only viable if you run 2 other perks. And then you make…
Lightborn Buff
To whoever gave lightborn a buff and made it a tracking perk now, you are a Saint among men. Everyone's tired of flashlight trolling except flashlight trolls and low key I'm glad they're getting their comeuppance. It's one thing to use the flashlight it's another to use it in a way that can only be summed up to "Having fun…
Leatherface Trolls
Okay real talk and I'm not here to get dismissive "Get Gud" responses from people who either haven't dealt with this BS or do it even though it makes everyone have a mf of a time getting bloodpoints but there needs to be something done to curb Leatherface players from trolling and camping. It takes half an hour (Before…