Darkness revealed/distortion
Unless something changed which I have not read about, darkness revealed won't make you lose a token and will still reveal your aura when using distortion as a survivor. have ran into it twice now with a buddy who also uses distortion. Either darkness revealed has the bug or distortion does against that perk.
BBQ Vs Distortion dying state.
So BBQ allows the killer to see my aura while I’m in the dying state crawling. But if I have tokens still from distortion, why doesn’t 1 get taken away to avoid the aura? Instead distortion doesn’t work but BBQ still does and killer on you like white on rice. I feel like distortion should still count while in that phase as…
Can we do something about people who actively try to get the killer to come to you? Yes you have an option after the game but nothing to me has changed by mentioning these issues in 4 years.