Devs you're going to kill this game.
Start off by rolling back ruin changes. It's a good idea, but alot else needs to be changed before that. (Like gen times.) Killers pretty much needed the old ruin, to not have games be over in two minutes. (And that in itself is a biig issue.) There's not enough map pressure in the world to stop this from happening. A gen…
Rift closed
I didn't know where to put this so it ended up in the "general" section. So the rift closed recently. And I missed out on the last few cosmetics. One of which I was really into, as it was completing a set for the hillbilly. But the last day I was grinding the last levels and I was going to use some auric cells for the very…
Who's the power role in this game? (Trick question)
Are you ever going to make killers the power role?