Prove Thyself Not Working
I just played a match with Prove Thyself equipped. Usually the perk icon lights up and I get a small blue icon that shows it's affects are being applied. There was none of that this time. See attached video clip.
The Spirit is very slow. Not making any ground on survivors in chase.
For the last 7 games I've had trouble catching up to survivors with The Spirit. At first I though hackers but it's happening every round. I finally got video. See attached. Is the Spirit's speed broken, is it hackers, or am I just crazy?
Nintendo Switch Game Play Difficulties
The skill checks have a lag from button press to screen reaction making difficult skill checks near impossible to hit. Second, the graphics are slightly jittery. Maybe there's a way to make the graphics more smooth.
Survivor Tutorial Stuck on Switch (Resolved)
On Nintendo Switch, the survivor tutorial, after the killer drops me, the killer is supposed to clear the pallet but he doesn't. My character can't move. The killer doesn't move. I have to exit the tutorial. I bought the game 2 days ago. This has happened to me everytime I've attempted the tutorial, 5 times now.