Harsher penalties for "Disconnects"
Harsher penalties for players who leave mid-match. *Minimum* 15 minutes for a first time offense, scaling exponentially for every time it happens within a period of time. I'm sure something like this already exists, but as far as I'm aware first offense is a meager 5 minutes. Really? At least lock them out of the…
Simplified Perk Menu Navigation
I would like to see an update to the perk and customization menus (outside of the store) to have scroll wheel integration. Why do we need to click manually through pages and pages? This seems like it would be a simple fix. Scroll down = page right. Scroll up = page left. Alternatively, get rid of the fixed number of items…
Inexorable Stare - Sadako
On steam, I was in a match playing as Sadako, I needed to kill 4 more survivors by any means for the archive challenge "Execution". I killed three via hooks, and one from Inexorable Stare and only got kill credit for 3/4 survivors.
Make it Better: Prestige and Perk Resets
Let me start by saying, my account currently has just shy of 800 hours in Dead by Daylight right now. It's by far my most played game, and I get a lot of enjoyment out of it. I bounce back and forth between Survivor and Killer, always working towards the archives and daily rituals to mix things up. I've invested in all of…
Thoughts on Rank -> Grade changes
I'll start with a short rant that I thought grades were supposed to reset on the 13th of every month, not the 12th. I was aiming for iridescent 1 grade killer since I don't have that steam achievement, only to log in last night to find that I was back at Ash IV with all of my progress reset. Just 7 pips shy from completion…