Dying light is kinda trash like...
In first 2 levels, 3% on third level is.. ideal, I think. Why not make that: 3% action speed rebuff across all tiers 50/75/100% more Bloodpoints in the Sacrifice category
Burning totems with flashlights.
It seems to be strange that Survivors can burn Hags blackened traps but not dark magic as Totems. how it works: Shine to Dull Totem for 3 seconds to burn it Shine to Hex Totem for 8 seconds to burn it. Simular to toolbox, but for totems
Do you hate huge maps as well?
OMG, Disturbed Ward and 2 maps in Red Forest. they are TOO BIG. 3 the worst maps for Killers imo, it’s impossible to control gens, they are too far from each other. Even Haddonfield better (a bit).