Spine chill + Resilience
Does spine chill and resilience combo at 15% vault speed and does anyone have a video in comparison?
Keyboard and mouse support (xbox)
Xbox has allowed keyboard and mouse however you cant use it on all games, it would be good if the developers added the feature to console Dead by daylight started as a keyboard and mouse game and it would give people the option to choose controller or kbm
Prestige 3 - Legacy
I think it would be good if we could put our prestige 3 faces on our bought cosmetics same for prestige 2 and 1 for the body and legs
Sprint burst buff?
Sprint burst is used anytime you press the sprint button/key while exhaustion is recovered but i think it would make the perk more useful if you could activate it at will therefore you dont have to walk around the map somthing is telling me this would be op but just came to mind lol...