Yui outfit
Is it to ask for a basic outfit for Yui?? Can she please just get a simple pair of jeans and a ripped up T-shirt? All of her outfits are related to being a motorcycle rider. But not all motorcycle riders wear jumpsuits I would love just a pair of jeans.
BUG invitations
Every time my mother sends me or anyone an invitation we receive an error - invalid invitation. we are on xbox
Saboteur full bar - doesn’t sabotage
I fully sabotaged 3 hooks in a game and the killer was able to hook and or hit me after my bar was full and the hook did not break.
Wiggle bug - full wiggle bar and not escaping
I had a FULL wiggle bar playing against the Oni and I was not able to escape right away. I have a video but it will not let me upload to this post.