Blight addon rework IDEAS
so i feel theres some addons that are completely useless so i cooked up some ideas SOUL CHEMICAL Increases maximum rush tokens by 1 SUMMONING STONE instantly shatters pallets upon slamming into them So soul chemical wouldnt work with ANY of his iris so i think it dosent seem like a terrible idea and it would work with his…
this entire game
first of all #REVERTBLIGHT secondly when was the last time a survivor sided map got nerfed? when was the last time anything related to survivor GAMEPLAY including perks got nerfed? plus there was quite a bit of counterplay to blights hug tech so thats not a valid argument AND indoor maps still sucked for him. its EVEN…
Blight Fatigue
blight goes into fatigue twice sometimes seemingly randomly
bring back Hug Tech or buff Adrenaline Vial
gotta do smthn about blight
Merged: Should Adrenaline Vial Speed be Buffed Back?
This discussion has been merged.
Why Was Summoning Stone Reworked to be so Bad?
Why is Iridescent Blight Tag So Rare?
i feel i get 1 or 2 of these addons every prestige level
i have no clue how to replicate it or what had happened i was unhooked and it happened completely normal match otherwise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x433K-cG3ZY
Blight Add ons
some of the recent nerfs were super unnecessary most of his add ons now suck or are super minor changes the iridescent blight tag Upon using all Rush tokens, your last Lethal Rush will put survivors into the dying state. Blighted Rat Increases your Movement speed during a Rush by a stack-able +4 % for each…