Vecna Has Flight Bug When Canceled On/Near Windows...
Title. Played on PTB on Wednesday against bots and got stuck in the ground until I could fly again. To get a general idea… If you haven't already by the time you click the link, skip to 2:15:45 mark.
Bugged Green Glyph on Dead Dawg Saloon
Title. It's the spot under the water tower, on the opposite corner/side from the saloon itself.
New Chapter Idea
Title says all. Here's the data. --------------------------- CORE DATA Chapter Name: By the Light of the Moon Killer: The Lycan (Jordan Lavore) Survivor: Misty Longmire New Map(s): Longmire Manor (Longmire Estate), Shrine of the Beasts (Red Forest) - NOTE: Shrine of the Beasts could possibly be called Bestial Shrine…