Sound bug with spirt
When playing as the spirit the sound it's all messed up for example when hitting a survivor they don't scream or moan properly afterwards and there's little to no sound while phasing which is making tracking via sound impossible they basically constantly have permanent iron will + calm spirt
Bug with dredge teleport
When teleporting with dredge and exiting the lock sometimes you get caught inside the locker and are unable to move until you power comes back which puts you out of action for a good while
Can't Log into game
PlayStation: after trying to log in from the title screen it keeps say cannot connect to store asked friends to try log in and they are having it to
Twins getting stuck
Platform: All Description: Charlotte Seems to get stuck in place after returning from Victor pouncing on a survivor. It happens quite frequently from my experience what happens is after Victor attaches to a survivor with his pounce and you return to Charlotte your camera gets locked in position and your hud disappears you…