Disconnected from host => 2 day penalty
PC Since about a week i have an error where i get kicked out of a game and it tells me "you ahve been disconnected from the host" for me im in the end screen like the killer disconnected, but everyone else can play like before and gets shown i dced. i had this issue so often i have a 48 hour penalty now. the last game i…
DC-Sperre durch host-Fehler
Ich habe ziemlich schlechtes Internet, weshalb auf meinem Account schon einige offline Strafen sind. Damit kann ich leben, ist halt so mit dem Internet, habe das auch weitgehend in den Griff bekommen. Allerdings habe ich seit kurzen regelmäßig Spiele, aus denen ich direkt in die End-lobby gebracht werde mit dme Fehler…
Dont make me instantly DC at Network connection issues
First of all i understand the need for penalties and wont complain about me getting them, even tho for me the lost items/addons, ranks and BP are penalty enough. I have fairly good Internet speedwise but i have small outages of only up to 2 seconds nearly every hour, sometimes more often, sometimes less. Since the DC…