The Game Shelf Exploit
This Ace stood on this shelf in The Game so that when I downed him, I was unable to pick him up. I tried every angle but I couldn't get him. https://gyazo.com/23ccf2bb4b99b70c73514b5f017958e7
Slightly Falling Through the map on the Corner of Hill Tiles
At the very start of the match, I spawned next to a Hill tile and ran along the side that allows you to go up it. When I reached the right corner of the front, I fell slightly into the ground, being unable to get out easily. This has already happened once to me before on a MacMillan Map. Here's some proof. Sorry for the…
Falling Through Ground on MacMillan Estate Map
At the start of the match, I ran along the edge of a hill tile, and when i reached around the corner, I fell a little into the ground and was unable to move from the corner.