So I’ve only played killer about 4-5 times since the “skilled based matchmaking” seriously does anyone know how it works yet? Because I’m not enjoying it at all, I haven’t played in over a week and when I do, only lasts a hour when I’m playing survivor with a friend. i didn’t even get a down. this was my first game in over…
Why is everyone dc-ing tonight ? out of 4 games 2 as killer I had 1 surv dc in first game and then 3 in next game , then as survivor we had killer dc and then another someone’s dc as trying to get into game and then another survivor dc mid game 🤦🏽♀️
killers stop leaving just because you think it might be a SWF...
Honestly the amount of times waiting in lobby for over 5 mins because killers spawn in and think a group of solo survs are a SWF. I just don't get it. fine you don't want to play a group of SWF but you don't know if it is before you play, sick of waiting to get into a lobby and then having to wait a extra 5/10 mins because…
It's the aim of the game...
Can anyone tell me why killer mains complain about survivors doing gens and hiding? I just had a solo surv game 2 of us escaped and 2 died on hook the end of game chat the killer put ez gen rushing and hiding all game = trash ez doing gens is the only objective of survivors i don't get what you want? survivor to do one gen…
can't believe i got stuck...
i got stuck on who knows what in the middle of the temple as killer and it finally let me move after they got all 5 gens done and escaped because yes i got stuck at them start. it finally unstuck me after 3 survivors huddled around me and when the first person escape i could finally move. so watch out on the stairs in the…
A bug or is it me?
The completely invisible wraith? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_94f38X1JMQ
the game feels unplayable
I'm not complaining about anything other then bugs. The impossible hex to get. The de pipping as killer when someone DCs when loading into the game. The hit boxes that are either hitting when the killer is no where near you or not hitting when a survivor is right in front of you. The getting stuck on invisible walls. When…
why did i lose a pip?
Before the game started survivor disconnected so obviously cut to the usual displeased entity no points but why did I lose a pip because a survivor disconnected just before the game loaded in? I don't know if it was on purpose as well because a team mate on it started giving me abuse saying 'terrible killer' 'gg ez' 'ur…
solo surv
no hate to anyone or anything, just a general discussion no arguing. I usually play with a friend as survivor but recently I've been playing completely solo and it seems like a drastic change, I'm only a rank 8 and I'm playing with others the same but I cant even get to the exit gates 9/10 time's , I'm always the last one…