Generator damage bug
Regarding the new map, you can't damage the generator on one of the sides https://youtu.be/5xXZ_Y7xotg
No body Elodie
• Platform - PC • Description of the issue - if you take the Grecian toga outerwear on Elodie, she doesn't have a visible body, but if you put a matching skirt on her, you won't have that problem. • Steps to reproduce (if possible) -
Flying bot
• Platform - PC • Description of the issue - I was playing on spirit and went into phase transition, ran up to the generator, grabbed the bot (by animation) and carried it to the hook. He was released by other players and started flying, this went on for probably as long as he didn't try to fix the generator again or heal…
Fix Nurse
You'll see it all in the video. You may already know about this bug, but it needs to be fixed sooner rather than later Be sure to watch the full video • Platform - PC (Works for others) • Description of the issue - Watch video • Steps to reproduce (if possible) - • How often does this occur - I've never seen anything like…
The player is stuck in the generator
I was playing on an artist and there was 1 survivor that I didn't even see in the whole game. The problem is that he was stuck in the generator and could not move, I could not lift him or do anything with him (on the video look). The incident happened on PC, it was the first time I encountered such a thing. I doubt it was…