This game is unplayable
Its not the ui or the movement, its the bugs Hitboxes are horrendously Bad Emblems are broken Please you can leave the ui and movement as is but PLEASE fix the bugs
Legion Add-on suggestion
Dont listen to me, im just some nerd on the internet I thought of some ways to make Legions add-ons better/more interesting Julies Mixtape make it 0.25 seconds insted of 0.2 Joeys Mixtape 0.5 seconds instead of 0.4 Cold Dirt 0.75 instead of 0.6 Franks Mixtape Grants the Undetectable Status effect while in Feral Frenzy…
Killer Instinct Legion add-ons are good
If you use Susies Mixtape with Tinkerer you get 16m of detection when Undetectable (i tested it) Also i understand that seeing someone you cant hit isnt very useful, but having the info is still nice IMO