Previous Maps
I have no idea what this would look like or how to implement this, but it would be really awesome if you could somehow find the maps you have played before. Sooooo many times I beat REALLY cool maps and Im like "#########, I wish I could show my friend this one!" Or "come back here with my friend and do this base…
Trap Range Preview in Base Thumbnail
When a builder leaves their outpost, and doesn't turn off the "Range Preview" of there traps, it is capturing the "Range Preview" in the outpost thumbnail, this is true for holocubes too.
Co-Op Rank Points Not Working
My friend and I have been playing Co-Op raids A LOT and we noticed that whoever is the host gets WAY more Rank points. Even if we both leave a base with neither of us dying, whoever is NOT the host either gets 0 points, or negative points. It looks like it has to do with not providing the guest points for getting the Gen…
Please Put In a Frame Rate Limiter
The game wants to push my GPU to its maximum which makes everything sluggish. I have to go into my actual graphics cards settings just to put a frame cap on it to get it to calm down! Please put a frame rate limiter into the game. Thanks!
"P" Player Profile Doesn't Work?
When you pull up your menu, where you normally change your settings or armor/perks, there is the "P" for Player Profile. On mine and all of my friends games, we can't pull this up and it is greyed out. I'm assuming this is where you should be able to pull up your rank progress? Idk. I couldn't find anything about this…
Holocube Changes - Please Upvote If You Agree
Heya all! Anyone else sad that the Holocube can ONLY imitate bedrock? Especially if you wanna make a really pretty map? Not only that, that some Stage 2 cubes look like bedrock until the gen mat is grabbed I would LOVE if this was made important to the Dev team to be able to color/retexture those cubes so you can hide them…
Finally someone explained it in a video! If you have been trying to figure this out too, go here! https://youtu.be/-6V6mipHjgU If links make you nervous, search Tarkis Zone Multiple Entrances for Harv on Youtube!
I've Changed My Mind - Kill Boxes
I used to think there were unbeatable burial sites that people publish. Aka, what the community is calling "Kill Boxes" But I have for sure changed my mind on that. The biggest problem with Meet Your Maker is the same problem with Dead by Daylight: EDUCATION! I had NO idea the Phoenix Pack was a thing! I didn't realize I…
My Top 3 Thoughts after Launch
Just adding thoughts here: 1. Portal 2 crossover event 2. More objectives. I wanna hide a treasure for people who are curious explorers and can see through my sneekyness, and reward them for it! 3. Its way too easy/limiting to figure out the path to take using HARV. It always has to be flat. No jump downs or grapple ups.
PC - Preset Loadout - Kicked from Lobby
Step 1: Be in a pre-game lobby, loading in with other survivors and killer Step 2: Change from the preset loadouts 1, 2, or 3 Step 3: Game kicks you from the pre-game lobby back to the Menus lobby Additional Information: -Seems to happen regardless of perks equipped -File validation performed and game re-install done, no…
Tome 2 and 3 - Make Survivors Scream
Hi have been going the Killer challenges in Tome's 2 and 3. Using the Doctor, I have played multiple games where survivors have screamed for various reasons and perks, and there has been zero progress registered to the challenges.
Daily Ritual For the Shape - No Progress Tracked
This is the 4th time I've tried to get this Daily Ritual, and it isn't tracking any progress of Evil Within leveling up.