It's not fun to play knight with all the restrictions in his power. Here is a list of restrictions: You can't see survivors, auras, pools of blood and scratch marks when using his power. He can't stay in his power for too long. The power only has a limited range to create a patrol path. Getting close to a guard that's…
What power should it have?
Can't they make a system that can tell what SBMM they're in and how many survivors are in a party then adjust the game accordingly to make the match even and fair as closely as possible?
I don't see why you would buff them so nerfs for weak killers in November? Do you want everyone to transition over to Blight?
The generators are completed so fast, the killer never have time to hook or kill anybody. Also I think most players on this modifier are severely toxic. I had more hate messages in Lights Out in a day than I ever did in regular mode.
Will these perks ever see a buff? Namely Dark Devotion, Dissolution, Distressing, Overwhelming Presence, Sceptic Touch and Unnerving pressence, and all Hex Totem perks too?