Maybe instead of nerf spirit freddy etc just buff weak killers so there will be more rotation and it will be less common to face same killer 3 times in row for ex.
When q&a @Peanits @Not_a_TrACE
New effect. screen get a bit blurry when have haemorrhage status effect and get 2% penalty to actions. Each 60sec (note its just my nr. need to be test for better balance) your screen is more blurry than before up to 3 states Each state player with haemorrhage effect receive 2% penalty to any action up to 6% and 10% to…
How about new objectives? I mean let's add some new mechanics to game to make it more interesting. So my proposition is to add a small gates around map with (security boxes). It will spawn in doors or just beetwen close areas. I could be also a windows gates. How it can looks like? All gates are open at the beginning of…
What's the possible date?
Now they're 3 killers in meta on high ranks Billy, nurse, spirit. (It's just my opinion) Some killers are only used on low ranks and the question is how to improve them to be good on high ranks (I know I know if u are trapped main u can kill everyone on red ranks but we disscus about other players
Hmm what do you think about idea to add new skin to plague and spirt (it will be a human form before those tragic events)
So what do u think about gamemode call kill with friends (there will be 2 killers in one match) Kill with friends - KWF How it works: You need special bigger map for KWF probably about 10 generators and 8 survivors (of course it can be changed bc of balance) There is a special button for KWF after that you will get a…