PS4 - Skin Meet your Maker (Meg) disappeared
Hi! Playing DbD and Meet Your Maker, I earn a skin a few month ago. But when I try to play yesterday, the skin just disappared from my inventory. Can you help me please?
Desactivate crossplay (ps5)
Hi! Here are now 2 patches that it is impossible to find lobbies while playing without crossplay on Playstation 5. It can happen that we see the loading "game found" in red flashing without anything ever happening. Is this normal? Previously it was possible to find games without crossplay. But this is no longer the case…
Thanks RAGEQUIT! (bann those idiots)
We face Myers (noob killer in this case) and first of all, one Claudette run on us 3 time to help the killer. And when the dude hit her two times... RAGEQUIT! Ok, we continue with 3 survivors. Myers can't do anything... One generator left and he find the second Claudette. Claudette get hit... RAGEQUIT! What's the point? At…
La traduction des perks d'Adam Francis
est faite à moitié, il faudrait repasser dessus. On ne sait pas à quoi elles servent à moins d'aller sur le net et trouver les explications en anglais. * "Une fois la compétence activée, appuyez sur le bouton de 10 mètre." (oui, pas de -s sur la trad) * "Vous avez désormais 100 secondes." (pour préparer des chocapic ?) *…