Garden of Joy: Bushes and Tires can spawn near the Killer Shack, blocking the way
See title. I've added a video showing the issue, and it's pretty bad. One doorway is almost completely blocked off from one side.
PC - "Generate Fear" Tome Challenge doesn't work
Pick the "Generate Fear" Pig Challenge on Tome 10 Level 2 Try to hit a Survivor with an Ambush attack within 10 meters of a Gen, as it says Notice nothing gets tracked I hit a Survivor WHILE they were repairing the Gen, so I'm pretty sure I was well within the range, yet it never works. Some "within x meters/seconds"…
There should be a way to delete/recycle time-limited Event Offerings
Maybe this is just my OCD talking, but I generally don't like having things in my inventory that I can't use or get rid of, regardless of which game it is. With this year's Halloween Event Offering, the Arcane Dousing Rod, if I wanted to avoid having it in my inventory forever, I have to: Use up all Event Offerings I…
PC - "Repair Gens" Tome Challenge stops tracking when you boot up the game
Boot up the game while a "Repair a total of x generator(s)" Tome Challenge is selected. For me, it was the challenge on Tome 7 Page 2: Repair a total of 10 generator(s). Start a match as a Survivor. Do what most Survivors wont do and repair at least one Generator. Notice after the game that the Tome Challenge didn't…
Need players to record gameplay with (testing interactions / bugs)
Probably a very unusual post in this forum category, as I'm not looking for people to play regular matches with. I want to record certain things in the game and I need help with that. I want to record things like bugs and interactions between different gameplay mechanics. Each "recording session" would be short and…
Autohaven Wreckers: Barrel can spawn in a way that prevents Killers from passing through
See title. I've added a video showing the issue. Unfortunately, I don't know which "Autohaven Wreckers" map it was - I think it was either Azarov's Resting Place or Wretched Shop.