What would be the best combos in a 2v8 mode?
Since it's confirmed the devs are considering doing it... what would actually be the best combos for such a mode? I mostly mean killer but if you have Survivor ideas, please say them! The only thing I'm gonna assume here is that you cant use two of the same killer since Survivors are skins where killers actually have…
Anyone else just find the Resident Evil Killers very fun to play as? (+ Bonus Tier List)
When Nemesis came out, he immediately became one of my favorite killers of all time to play as. It was so satisfying to hit Survivors with his tentacle and stomping around punching and just feeling like an absolute monster. And man, the zombies rarely helped but when they did it was always one of the highlights of my…
If there was a two killer mode... (Old and Dumb lol)
Who do you think would be the most terrifying or best double killer combinations? Things to note: -There would be eight survivors instead of four. -Since only survivors and killers are being duplicated and not gens or totems. Survivor perks would be disabled. They could still bring offerings and Items+add-ons however.…
A few Gamemode ideas I had (Five Ideas)
------ Standard Mode: No perks, no items/add-ons, no offerings. Just a good ol fashioned game of DBD. No tricks! ------ Traditional Mode: All survivors and killers only have 3 perks being their character's individual perks plus a fourth perk being whatever they like! Only if it's a non character exclusive perk. Survivors…