Mr.X skin for Nemesis?
I think it be cool since Wesker has the H.U.N.K skin.
Having a blast as killer and survivor this patch how about you guys?
At first I did not know what to run for perks but after trying out some new builds I'm having a blast as both killer and survivor. I don't win every game but still having fun. And yes I've been tunneled but I at least make the killer work for it and give as much time to my team to survive. MVP perk was Stakeout.
Bad streak of games after patch.
Killer main here came back a few weeks ago. Been away from the game for a few years thought I would give it another shot. Been having a blast learning new killers and perks averaging 1 or 2 sacrifices a game. Then after the patch went live I've been having a huge string of games where I get 0 sacrifices and a few where i…