Is it normal...
To consistently get your teeth kicked in? I have about 100 hours into the game, and mostly play killer but I've been getting tilted lately, and I'm lucky to get a draw. I came back to play last week so my rank is low, but I still can't keep up. Is it normal to have a 1 kill multi-game spree? As much as I joke around I…
Why isn't bitter murmurs used more?
One of the chief complaints is that generators get done too fast and people think NOED is toxic, although I disagree with NOED being toxic. Why don't people use bitter murmurs as a way to see where the survivors are? I've been a survivor main for a long time and am still pretty new to playing killer, and it seems like a…
Pip question...
I played my first match as a killer, after being a survivor main for a long time, and I was ranked against rank 19 and 20 survivors, but they had all of their perks maxed out to level 3. I was obviously destroyed, only having two perks on my killer and not really playing killer too much before, but I was curious as to if…