Midwich Bugged hook
On the second floor in midwich, there's a bugged hook. You just can't hook the survivor, the prompt just doesn't even appear at all. I tried 2 times. I think is the table that is besides it that is really really close to it. Here's a pic of it.
Game is Crashing when in game [PC - Steam]
I tried going into a game. Played the whole thing until endgame collapse happened. When I was about to leave game froze and crashed. Couldn't even close it, had to restart my PC. (This never ever happened before) After some drive errors because of this crash and an hour happened, tried going into another game. This one…
Legion bug, got stuck for the rest of the game
Happened when there were 2 survivors on the window, one vaulted, i was spamming space to vault it fast, but it seems that i did the vault at the same time as the second survivor and..... Got stuck for the rest of the game. Here's a video of it. The 2 survivors escaped :( And..... I was in there for about 10 minutes because…