On PC, Generators regressing with surveillance glow yellow as if they've been touched when it is fully regressed. I used surge AND surveillance on nurse so I'm not sure if it's within the combo, and it happened on midwich. I have not tried to replicate the glitch, but it's out there.
So I was on stream grinding for Billy's Adept Acheivement. And after 8 hours I finally got a merciless victory with him. But lo and behold I STILL don't have the achievement. Is there anything that can be done? I can send copies of the vod and specific instance where it happens here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1002371924…
Object of obsession is by far, the most broken perk in the game. BY far. It promotes tunneling, it creates an unfair playing field with swf abusing it, and otherwise its a borderline useless perk on solo survivors that would be better off being made into something else. Why has this perk not been reworked when we already…