Does Hoarder and Franklin's Have Synergy?
Curious about the interactions with Hoarder and Franklin's Demise. Since the perk says when an item is picked up it will activate a noise warning, would it also activate when an item is picked up off the ground from Franklin's Demise?
New Survivor Totem Perk
An idea for a Survivor perk that functions similar to Whispers for Killers, but with the intent of finding totems. Would really appreciate feedback on the strength and implementation of the perk. Macabre Collector: A fascination from your past life has awakened a sixth sense in the Entity's Realms. When you are within a…
Spirit Having a Phase Animation Would Be Healthier for the Game
As someone who plays a decent amount of Spirit, I really think she needs a phasing animation to provide survivors with more feedback during chases. Considering that Spirit is very prediction heavy and that's the aspect of her gameplay that feels most rewarding, survivors knowing when she's phasing would enhance this…
Would you use shards to "Disable" Teachable Perks
As I've been purchasing more characters and unlocking their teachable perks, I'm noticing the grind and bloodwebs are getting increasingly bloated. While I'm someone who likes to try lots of perks and builds, it's very frustrating going back to an old character for a new perk and getting a bunch of other perks I'm not…