Yui kimura forest guide tail causes big FPS loss
Hello I have already seen that in known issues is that the tail takes a big part of the vision, what I haven't seen is that while wearing this character with this tail there is a gigantic fps loss, sometimes even 50fps, I play on low settings and I have 120fps all the time at any time, when I pick up a player with this…
PC, DH does not give any endurance effect
Hello I have a problem for a long time playing with this build (Dead hard, off the record, deceisive strike and resilience) that dead hard doesn't give any endurance effect for 0.5s, (it doesn't give it at all), I think it has to do with current bugs with endurance and probably with off the record because before using this…
The problem with cheaters
For a long time now there are more and more bots with cheats that end our match in 15 seconds, I would not have a problem with it but looking at the fact that such a cheater can get you banned for literally nothing, in my case I got a few days ago 1h, today 6h, the same bot advertising the same site, in-game report gave…
Cheater and matchmaking blocked
I happened to leave the game, I was banned for an hour, I come back to play, This time we played against a cheater who eliminates us in about 10s, each of us gets a disconnect and I get a matchmaking block for 6h, can something be done about it?