Save your custom build for each character?
Okay so lets not talk about the upcoming update it just makes me depressed... Instead, a new kind of unnecessary feature but something that would be really nice. Customizing and saving your own outfit and perkbuild. For instance, I'm using the outfit below a lot but I have to manually equip it every time. If the devs would…
New UI needs to be more compact
I've seen a lot of other players post about this topic already but thought I would add my opinion as well. I really believe the "new" UI looks way too spread out. Even though something new is appreciated the photo below feels a lot more compact with the same information needed which just makes it better please make the new…
Do something while youre waiting?
When youre waitng to join a game wheter its solo or survive with friends it would be nice if you could do something meanwhile. Like in deathgarden you can run around in the locker room. I mean if you can run around in a map like the one i the tutorial? Or maybe have access to your loadout and look at cosmetics all the time…