Hard Time Finding Totems on Auto Map
Hello! On the new auto map - I looked through a good portion of the map and could never see totems. Anyone else getting this issue? Also - really random - but does the map look extremely clear to you all? I can see 100% everything.
Why are there so many man children that play this game?
I love this game. Sure - there is a ton that needs to be fixed, but damn its a good time. This game is not for everyone, so please, stop the bitching and play something else if you do not like the developers. Demanding refunds, crying about unbalanced things or some bugs here and there - its a game. This game has been…
Suddenly the entire game is stuttering?
Hey all! Been playing this the last few weeks and it has been smooth sailing. Suddenly I play today and right when the game loads up and shows the choose survivor or killer screen - you can tell everything is stuttering. Get into game and all vision feels like I am walking around really drunk and unable to play. IDK what…