Rank reset
Has the rank reset date change? Mine didn't reset!
Character blinks and stays in the same place
So this is getting very annoying and game changing. This happenned a few times already but I only recorded 2 times. Here it is: In this video it happened after cleaning a totem, happens a lot when doing that. On the second video it was the first time that happened after being rescued from the hook.
Mark 5 objects with maps
What is this challenge about? Is Mark the same as track or does it mean something else? I'm a bit confused by what we are suposed to do.
0 Blood Points
Just wanted to share my 0 Blood Points.
Instead of changing Gen Speeds
Since gen speeds will probably need changing in a near future. I'm a main survivor and gens as they are are already boring enough so what about adding a new mission to survivors. I recently posted this idea in a topic withouth acctually thinking it through... it just crossed my mind so now I decided to make a post in a…
I've only seen this today: Although i've finished all the challenges yesterday (some with the help of the killers/survivors) and so it doesn't affect me, I'm really glad the DEVs listened to the community and decided to "nerf" the challenges. For that: Thank You!