Add Physics for Jill’s Skirt!
Please add physics to Jill’s skirt. Right now it’s glued to her ass and looks like a diaper. Also, the description for her top calls it a tank top, but it’s a TUBE TOP. Please fix. Thanks!
In-Game Portraits for Legendary Cosmetics Please
Since we now have in-game portraits for each charracter, can we get unique portraits for legendary cosmetics? It's strange seeing someone playing as Lisa or Cybil with a portrait of Cheryl. Legendary skins are supposed to feel like entirely diffrerent characters, but as of right now they just don't. With a $15 legendary…
What happened to Blood Stain VFX ?
The last PTB they were testing blood effects on survivors clothes after they’ve been injured by the killer but they said it was a work in progress & didn’t include in mid-chapter release. What happened to this & why isn’t it in this PTB again? Was it scrapped?
Silent Hill map offering not in bloodweb?
Has anyone gotten any silent hill map offerings in their bloodweb? 1 million blood points later and I still haven’t gotten a single one. On PS4.
PS4 matchmaking still not working
Can’t find a match w/ either killer or survivor on PS4. Anyone else?