What did i ever do to you that you guys need to: Teabag, blind me at every opportunity, and genrush harder than anything else? Yea i know there will be survivor mains saying "just get good" how do you imagine that? I am rank 14 right now and only get SWF with flashlights, full prestige and red ranks. Anyway, why? PS: Im on…
So i think everyone knows that pretty much all infinites have been removed and i see some people saying "Dbd is now unplayable and bs" or "Killers are too op now" And i wan´t to know what´s your opinion on this. Have a good day/night/morning/evening! #StayHome giulianodannyfan
This is a big problem to me. This occures mostly when i play legion or hillbilly. Sometimes when i activate feral frenzy it just drops the fps to 20. It happened only when chasing a survivor. I lost so many games because of this. Please take a look at it as soon as possible. Have a good day. Stay safe.
Weird question i know, but im curious of the meaning behind it.
Only my opinion btw
The higher the tier the easier it is to get a kill and remember: MY OPINION
Maybe this sounds stupid, but what is it with those survivors on console? I know that this community is kinda toxic, but actually what the #########?(sorry for strong language) I wanted to ask how to convince the survivor´s to not play toxic. And for those that say "Oh well you are the problem you filthy legion main" and…
Sorry for my stupid commentary back then i was just a little high or something. Whatever. Have a good day #StayHome AS_TH3_L3GION(giulianodannyfan)