So what’s up with healing? Mangled was nerfed and to compensate healing was nerfed as well but later the nerfs were reverted. Are the devs planning to nerf healing or did they forget?
If you’re a killer who intends to 3 gen from the start, this change prevents you from forcing a 3 gen because kicking a gen 8 times during a match doesn’t happen organically most of the time. Kicking a gen 8 times most likely means you’re trying to force a 3 gen. The problem is that if you’re a killer that uses perks such…
I keep getting spectate sniped by SWF players when playing survivor. When there are 2 or 3 SWF players in my team and I’m left alive together with another player who is part of the SWF, that player will have their friend spectate me and tell the other player where I am so they can bring the Killer to me. There’s no reason…