If you purchase the new chapter what item comes with the survivor for the purchase?
does DELIVERANCE and SECOND WIND work together?
since DELIVERANCE will give you the broken status effect but it also says if you unhook yourself second wind will activate but does DELIVERANCES broken status affect negate that and these 2 perks do not work together?
BP event and shrine
I was just wondering if anyone knew when the BP event was going to start in EST and when the shrine might be back up and running since ps4 now has curtain call
Pre order deathgarden
When you preorder deathgarden do console players receive the trapper and meg masks or is it only for pc thank you
Xbox one x and HDR
Does dead by daylight on Xbox one x support HDR capabilities and if not are the devs planning on doing this in the future for that specific console (Xbox one X) thank you
Need answers on switching platforms from Xbox one to PC
I want to buy a PC but i want to know if i do that can the devs switch my account over from my Xbox to PC. If this cant be done do you think they would give me enough BP to be able to get my characters to the level there at on Xbox to be the same on PC. if i had to pay the money to get all the chapters again i would but if…
Lag issues on console in the U.S.?
I live in the u.s. and play on Xbox One I have been experiencing terrible lag even when I have a green ping around 80. I have played around 20 games and they're all the same it is unplayable for me is anybody else having this issue thank you