Victor bugs that still exist in ptb
Platform: Steam Victor can still be instantly recalled after latching on How to replicate: Unbind victor, switch back to charlotte until victor is able to be recalled, switch back to victor and pounce on a healthy survivor, then you will be able to instantly call him back Victor still dies on stairs How to replicate: When…
Limited time items not available in custom matches
Platform: Steam PC Issue: Limited event items not showing up in custom game loadout select. You can recreate the problem by opening a custom lobby and going to the last page of the loadout for survivor and you will see that they are not available to select
Nvidia no longer supports dead by daylight with 8.2.0
Platform: PC Issue: when trying to apply nvidia in game filters, it states that the game is not supported. this is an issue with the 8.2.0 update as everything was working fine up until my game was updated
Prestieges hidden in pre-matchmaking lobby
Platform: steam Issue: prestiege levels are hidden when within a Swf lobby before match is found. in patch notes it states that prestiege is only hidden when you are in the pre game lobby post matchmaking.
invisible wall blocking victors pounce on nostromo spaceship
platform is steam, i was playing twins and noticed an invisible wall inside of the small spaceship. it doesnt block navigatio n, only when victor uses his pounce
PLEASE let victor go through portals
it makes it insanely difficult to play twins on the new DnD map, if a survivor goes through the portal when youre chasing them as victor you cant do anything, and its a big blow to your pressure, its unfair
Decisive strike incorrect stun time when playing Twins
When playing as the twins, decisive strike will stun you for longer than 4 seconds (seems like 5 or even 6)
current victor bugs
i play on pc (steam) if that info is any useful, however these bugs are reported from all platforms to my knowledge. victor still dies on stairs sometimes during hit/miss pounce cooldown animation. also happens when you fall from a height during cooldown. this bug has been in the game for a very long time, hopeful for a…
Off the record endurance is kept after getting hit
After getting hit after you are unhooked using Off the record, the endurance status effect doesnt go away and you will keep it until the perk expires. steps to recreate Open the game Play a match and get hooked Have your friend unhook you Get hit Mend Get hit again
Mettle of man showing aura permanently regardless of distance from killer
Playing on steam. I could see the aura of this feng (who had mettle of man active) permanently, even when she is closer than the perk permits.This feng had mettle of man, and I was using the Paint thinner/lethal persuer (she did not drop any pallets in chase as you can see). I could see her aura permanently throughout the…
Multiple twins bugs with the recent patches
In the recent patches, and currently in 7.5.0, twins has had a variety of different bugs affecting the gameplay and quality of life. -Victor is unable to go over pallets up close like he was able to before the chucky patch -if victors back is against something, his pounce wont leap and he will get crushed by nothing…