Blight is unplayable in Ormond
Is just me, or almost every object in this map make you slide? Tables, Ice, even some flat stuffs. This is the most annoying thing with Blight, even things that he should bump, instead of it, he slide. In Ormond is worse.
Blight bumping in a "invisible" hatch
PC I was playing blight, and was bumping in a invisible wall, every time I tried to cross one specific place. Later on, I discovered that in that specif spot was the hatch. Map: Autohaven Wreckers I dont know if this is a specific bug this time, or if all "invisible" hatchs are happening this.
Ormond + Blight problem
I was playing blight in ormond. There are a lot of snow mount that you can't bump. This create a lot of areas that makes you accidentally miss your power and ruin your game.