Killer Adept
I don't really understand why the survivor adept achievements are so easy to get (Just survive with the three unique perks) but for killer you have to kill all the survivors with the three unique perks as well as get a merciless victory? It's honestly really annoying how hard it is compared to the survivor ones. The killer…
What Are Your Fav And Least Fav Realms? (2020)
I saw someone discussing this on a stream and I thought it would be interesting to get input on what maps are generally liked and unliked. Reply with your top 3 favorite realms and top 3 least favorites. Favorite Realms: Lery's Memorial Midwich Ormond Least Favorite Realms: Autohaven Wreckers Blackwater Swamp The…
Impossible To Fast Vault Bug
When attempting to fast vault on PC with a keybind the fast vault does not activate. How to re-create this bug: Step 1: Switch your keybind from shift to anything else. For example, I use the ALT key as my sprint keybind. Step 2: Sprint (using the alternate keybind) and attempt to fast vault something. Step 3: It will not…