PC - DS Bug Returns
The old DS bug where you hit the skillcheck and nothing happens is back. If the devs want me to provide my logs, I will happily send it over to you over DM. Mandatory video: https://streamable.com/6tbwn0
Community - Rise Up!
The new patch is a sh*tshow, there is no denying that. Devs are largely ignoring us, as usual, so it is now on us as a community to do something about it. First of all - stop spending money on this game. Vote with your wallet. You do not need to buy the new rift that comes out tomorrow. You do not need that trash recolored…
Ping indicator of the killer in the lobby
The title is self-explanatory. Survivors should be aware of the killer's ping so that they can dodge high-ping killers. Would make the games a lot less frustrating, and (in most cases) prevent players from abusing their bad connection to gain an unfair advantage.
High Ping After Patch
Prior to the patch I was at solid 50ms, now it's constantly 200ms+. Are EU servers down/overloaded? Is anyone else experiencing high ping now? Or is it just me?