[PC] Inconsistencies in capitalization for The Pig and The Shape
When hovering The Shape you will notice his chapter is called "Dead by Daylight - The Halloween Chapter" but when hovering The Pig, her chapter is called "Dead by Daylight - the Saw Chapter" The inconsistencies are in the word "The" 5/5 Repro *Repro Steps:* Boot title Select Play as killer Hover over The Shape and notice…
[PC] Plague "Character From" section missing capitalization in "Chapter"
When hovering over The Plague in the killer selection menu, you will notice "chapter" in her "Character from" section isn't capitalized. This is capitalized for other killers. Reporting this to reduce inconsistencies. 5/5 Repro *Repro Steps* Boot Title Select Play as Killer Hover over The Plague Observe "chapter" isn't…
[PC] Blight missing capitalization in Chapter title
When hovering The Blight you will notice under "Character from" the C in Chapter isn't capitalized. 5/5 Repro *Repro Steps:* Boot title Select Play as Killer Select Killers Hover over The Blight Observe C in chapter isn't capitalized Notes: This was found on PC version 4.6.0 Keywords: Blight, chapter, menu, killers,…