Wake Up new buff makes its other effect worse.
Wake Up is a perk designed around Exit Gates and late game and has many effects. Here is the description on the LIVE version. The perk has never been very strong, so it is getting a buff with the new Freddy rework: It is a VERY nice buff, but it kinda makes one of the other effects worse. How? Well, by opening the gates…
Hutress Were-Elk skin SFX are difficult to hear as a Survivor
Hello! The recent Were-Elk skin for The Huntress is amazing, however, after playing against many of them today I noticed that some sounds are way too low on volume. The volume of the lullaby is very low. The sounds it makes when winding up or throwing a hatchet is barely audible. It is hard to distinguish them from the…
Skull Merchant Adjustments Suggestions
Hello! In this post I aim to take a look at current Skull Merchant and, based on that, make suggestions on how to bring her to a healthier and more fun state! Let's begin! General thoughts on Skull Merchant: Overly hated; Most of the playerbase have no idea what she does; Has way too many elements that have no indicators…
QOL - Generator repair progress bar with multiple survivors should be colored yellow.
Hello! Currently, when repairing a generator with another survivor (not considering perks or items) the bar goes red, as if the generator was progressing slower. I acknowledge that when multiple survivors work together in a generator, a -15% repair speed penalty is applied per survivor, however, the generator is still…